Technology leaders AIQ and AVEVA collaborating to develop autonomous industrial systems as part of an MOU that will drive sustainability and efficiency AIQ, a technology...
As per Cloudflare DDoS report there was a surge in DDoS attacks and other cyber-attacks against Israeli newspaper and media websites, as well as financial...
Building on its momentum in the Middle East as it continues to capture a growing share of the US$50 billion Low-code market, Kissflow recently offered...
Author: Michael Cade, Global Field CTO Cloud-Native Product Strategy, Veeam What many developers still need to understand about protecting containers Despite it still feeling like...
Qualys has released the findings of an IDC commissioned study that looked to quantify how Qualys customers perceive business value. Based on the resulting research...
Experience-level agreements (XLAs, sometimes known as ELAs) are a variation of service-level agreements (SLAs) that focus on the end-user experience. Whether that end-user is your...
Top cybersecurity threats include the evolution of the AI threat, Exploit mapping for ransomware, and the death of dedicated apps As per BeyondTrust annual forecast of...
Colt Technology Services has completed the acquisition of Lumen EMEA for $1.8bn. The closure of the transaction is the final stage in Colt’s exclusive agreement...
DDoS attacks continue to rise in frequency and sophistication. DDoS-for-hire, hacktivism and geopolitical forces all play a role in the growing cyber threat landscape. In...